THE Sleep by Sophie Support Package.

first: book me for a call

what happens during a call and how much does it cost?

simply put - we work each other out - and it’s free - no obligation.

i take a brief history from you and we have a comfortable meet and greet conversation.

we both work out if we can work together to get the sleep changes you want for your child.

what happens once we say “yes”?

1.payment is made to lock in the availability

the three week support package is £329.

(10% Discount offered to blue light card holders - proof required) complete a 72 hour diary and a more detailed history for me to analyse in detail.

3.we re-group for a 1 hour video consultation (over the phone if you prefer) to discuss the findings based on the diary, your desired outcome and the plan moving forward - including a preferred start date.

4.we then get started with a 3 week supportive plan where by i am available to you 7 days a week between the hours of 7am and 7pm via messaging, SCHEDULED phone calls or email.

5. outcome: you will have a child sleeping significantly better than when we started and we’ll celebrate the wins.

you will also be EQUIPPED and confident with new sleep STRATEGIES to power you through parenthood.

It all begins with the decision to take the next step.

the next step to getting a better balance of sleep.

better sleep = better you & better Baby